Links to my Chinese-language speeches on Chinese innovation, competitiveness, and trade

Since moving out of Beijing in August 2010, I do not get as many chances to give speeches in Chinese. Here are some links to a few of my Chinese language speeches and interviews:

  • October 2010: Chinese language presentation on the ISEAL Alliance and an overview of international standards affecting the sustainable development of tea at the 2nd International Forum on Sustainable Development of China’s Tea Industry sponsored by the China Tea Marketing Association and the Beijing Xicheng Government 02_Joshua Wickerham ISEAL Beijing Tea meeting_Oct 19_2010
  • July 2009: A speech on China’s “accountability innovations” at the “First Corporate Social Responsibility Annual Conference of China” hosted by The Chengdu People’s Government and the China Southern Weekend newspaper group. It’s as if they chose the worst possible picture of the foreigner.
  • June 2009: A NetEase video interview on China’s sustainable trade options. Forgive the crazed expression. It was a stressful time for me.

Ok, now back to the tasks at hand.


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